Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk



SAT 05.10

spoken in english with dutch subtitles


Motherbaby is the new performance by Marieke&Sophia, the young theatre duo whose work disrupts the social meaning of femininity. Now, together with theatre-maker and actress Kristien De Proost, they dive into the world of motherhood, unknown to them.

As (young) women who (n)ever want to become mothers, Marieke, Sophia and Kristien navigate their way through their expectations and fears in this performance. Playing with our visual culture, they explore the stigmatising clichés surrounding the figure of the mother.

What do we hide when we lavish ‘the mother’ with sentimentality? And why does she become the scapegoat when society fails? Motherbaby is a bricolage musical, in which the actors sing of the mother-child relationship in all its contradictory facets. They take you into the twilight zone between love and aggression.

Marieke Schraepen and Sophia Bauer together form the artistic duo Marieke&Sophia.

Marieke Schraepen (BE) is an actress and theatre maker. In her master performance Guilty of Love, she explored the cultural obsession with sexual violence together with Sophia Bauer and Mats Vandroogenbroeck. Guilty of Love could be seen at Theater Aan Zee ‘22, among others, and was revived at KVS in 2024.

Marieke has also previously appeared in the work of others. She played Lola in A Lola (2021) by Yayha Terryn at Compagnie Cecilia. That same year, she starred in Giants (2021) by Werktoneel and in 2022 she was briefly seen as Sonia in Fun Loving Humans by Simon D’Huyvetter & Kopergietery.

Marieke is also active as a theatre teacher. She gives workshops to children at Larf, Wildgroei and Einstein Atheneum. She writes about theatre and occasionally publishes at Rekto:Verso. She also worked as coordinator for the third bachelor and master of KASK drama.

Sophia Bauer (DE) is an actress and theatre maker. After earning a bachelor’s degree in textile design, she studied drama at KASK School of Arts in Ghent and applied theatre studies at the Justus-Liebig-Universität in Giessen, Germany. In her graduation performance Guilty of Love, she explored the eroticisation of sexual violence in our collective imagination together with Marie Schraepen and Mats Vandroogenbroeck.

Sophia had her first professional experience as an actress in De Dieren (2020), directed by Geert Belpaeme. She then appeared as a performer in Myriam Van Imschoot & HYOID’s Newpolyphonies (2020). In 2021, she starred in Giants by Werktoneel and performed the role of Albertinette in Operette by Timeau De Keyser & Tibaldus. Furthermore, Sophia writes and performs songs, for example on De verleiding van het woord in youth theatre Larf. In 2023, Sophia performed the lead role in Up Your Ass by Lieselot Siddiki and Nona Demey-Gallagher.

Outside her art practice, Sophia gained experience in the care sector. As a student, she worked in several rest homes and now works part-time as a supervisor for placed children at Minor N-Dako in Brussels. For Sophia, the movement into the social sector is an important complement to her theatre practice: the need in her artistic work stems from this.

Play dates

con­cept Marieke&Sophia performance Marieke Schraepen, Sophia Bauer, Kristien De Proost dra­ma­tur­gy Bauke Lievens music Alan Van Rompuy set design Ferre Marnef light & sound Wout Clarysse lighting design Jamy Hollebeke costumes Lieselot Siddiki subtitles Dries Gijsels Production KWP Kunstenwerkplaats coproduction Monty, Kunstencentrum BUDA, workspacebrussels, CAMPO with the support of De Grote Post, Kaaitheater, Theater Aan Zee, Kunstencentrum nona with the financial support of Vlaamse Gemeenschap en Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie thanks to  Geert Belpaeme en Jonas Baeke

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