Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

Maria Ferreira Silva (PT)

Wild Explosion of Radical Softness

Maria Ferreira Silva

In September, Wild Explosion of Radical Softness is heading to its last creation phase before its avant-premiere in October at La Raffinerie. For this week of residency at BUDA, the focus will be on re-visiting the material after a summer break plus working on sound.

Maria Ferreira Silva (PT)

Maria Ferreira Silva is a dance artist, born in Lisbon, and based in Brussels. In 2021 she opened an artistic research project that investigates the concept of Plasticity in relation to the performative and the choreographic. Maria is a dance artist and defines her artistic practice as a vibrant ecosystem where different practices, roles, and contexts, nurture and feed-forward her engagement with the art field.

She is currently developing her first solo project Wild Explosion of Radical Softness while working as a performer with, amongst others, Trajal Harell and Benjamin Vandewalle.

In residence

16 Sep 2024 – 21 Sep 2024

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