Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

Laura Daelemans (BE)


During her residency at BUDA, she will continue to work on creating choreographic material for MANA. She will also start exploring the combination of her visual and choreographic work, which will come together for the first time within this project.

In 2025, she will go into residence for MANA at Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ in Amsterdam, and there the project will also go into try-out for the first time.


Laura Daelemans (BE)

Laura Daelemans (°1999) is a graduated dancer and choreographer. She is also a tap dancer and a freelance illustrator. Growing up in a musical family, she started dancing at the age of thirteen. A few years later, she was admitted to the Contemporary Dance program at the! Kunsthumaniora in Antwerp, where she graduated in 2017. In 2021, Laura earned her Bachelor’s degree in Dance from ArtEZ University of the Arts in Arnhem, Netherlands. Currently, she is part of I SOLISTI MakerSpace, a multi-year maker’s program within the I SOLISTI ACADEMY. Additionally, she is creating new performances for various international institutions and occasionally collaborates with other (inter)disciplinary makers.

In residence

08 Jul 2024 – 13 Jul 2024

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