Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

Alix Eynaudi (FR/AT)

Death by Landscape, a concert

Death by Landscape, a concert is a hosting of works by music artists Han-Gyeol Lie & Paul Kotal, costume designer An Breugelmans, film maker Ujjwal Kanishka Utkarsh, visual artist Cécile Tonizzo and dance artists Hugo Le Brigand & Alix Eynaudi. Death by Landscape, a concert oscillates between a second night’s encounter, an hommage to Janet, a cadence out of time, une balade dans le bois, a melody sung in darkness, a sting removed by fiction, a waste of time, an act of archeography, a thank-you-dance, a dance to under-grow.

This stellar group is in BUDA for a technical residency, preparing for the November premiere.

Alix Eynaudi (FR/AT)

Alix Eynaudi dances, works and writes between craft & chaos in a (most of the time) joyful mess. She doesn’t work alone; any event, research, invitation is an alibi to spend time with accomplices, a mesh of friendships scintillating under skins, a stirring of a full-of-wonder support. She specializes in (deep) choreographic hanging out sessions.

In residence

01 Jul 2024 – 12 Jul 2024

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