Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

The Wild Boys

FR 2017, 1h50
Direction: Bertrand Mandico
Adventure, comedy
French spoken, English subtitles

1920, 5 unruly youths are put on a boat to a remote island as punishment. This under the care of a captain (Sam Louwyck). Once they arrive on the mysterious island, they are confronted with their own fears. An inevitable transformation begins.

Based on the work of an equally quirky writer William S. Burroughs, Mandico takes you on a journey into an avant-garde surreal fantasy.

Bertrand Mandico is just about the most extraordinary and strange filmmaker of the last decade. He takes you to dream worlds: gender fluid and completely insane. He makes new cult that you must have seen and will never forget. Boundless cinema!

Mandico’s She Is Conann Mandico’s After Blue

Play dates

  • The Wild Boys

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