Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

Jodorowsky’s Dune

US 2013, 1h30
Direction: Frank Pavich
English, French & Spanis spoken, English subtitles

Enfant Terrible Alejandro Jodorowsky, creator of the midnight movie par excellence The Holy Mountain, was asked to film Dune. Jodorowsky went completely wild, dreamed on it and would create a new cinematic experience like there had never been before.

He managed to gather incredible talent: the famous cartoonist Moebius, Pink Floyd for the soundtrack, Salvator Dali was interested, Dan o’bannon and HR Giger had said yes, Mick Jagger and David Carradine were cast. A storyboard was in place, production was in its starting shoes and then…then the curtain fell.

This is the account of the most spectacular film never made. A fascinating trip that gives you an insight into the machinery of Hollywood where dream and money often clash.

Four times Dune! Or how Frank Herbert’s epic, with much trial and error, still creates magic on screen. Sand on it!

Dune (Lynch) Dune: part one Dune: part two

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  • Dune Jodorowski

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