Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

Dune (David Lynch)

US/MEX 1984, 2h17
Direction: David Lynch
Scifi, adventure
English spoken, no subtitles

David Lynch filming Dune is a sensation, but the making of the production and all the difficulties surrounding it were equally legendary. The film is packed with iconic scenes. A unique opportunity to revisit the version of Lynch, who was at odds with the major studios for this.

The noble house Harkonnen goes up against house Atreides and fight for the desert planet Arrakis. After all, the planet possesses “Spice” a substance that makes space travel possible and is invaluable. Victims of all this are the oppressed inhabitants of the planet the Fremen.

Four times Dune! Or how Frank Herbert’s epic still provides magic on screen with much trial and error. Sand on it!

Jodorowsky’s Dune Dune: part one Dune: part two

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  • Dune

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