Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

Castélie Yalombo & Sophie Farza

Galaxy Talk: Doctor’s Feelings

SAT 05.10
15:00 – 17:30
Free, after registration

As part of THE MOTHERNESS GALAXY Chapter 2: Doctor’s Feelings

A panel discussion around the question: How does the medical profession emotionally deal with death and grief in the context of pregnancy interruption and loss of a newborn?

We will have an open discussion with a doctor, an obstetrician, a sociologist and an artist.
(Names will be announced soon)

Castélie Yalombo Lilonge is a Belgian artist, graduated from ULB and the Higher Institute of Choreographic Arts of ARBA-ESA in 2020. Her artistic practice is at the intersection of choreography, installation and poeticspeech. She questions the status of identity and otherness, as well as the subject/object status of the body. Those questions find a place in a broader research on the capacity for kinesthetic empathy in the relationship of the performer to the audience.

Sophie Farza is artist-ceramist. Together with Castélie Yalombo, they look at the concept op motherhood through different angles.

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